You can help

Our annual operating cost runs between $150,000 and $200.000 Your help is always appreciated.

US residents

Or donations can be mailed to:

Hope for Haiti
PO Box 4
Lakin, KS 67860

Canadian residents

Or donations can be mailed to:

Hope for Haiti
PO Box 4
Lakin, KS 67860
We will forward your check to a Canadian charity which will issue you a receipt acceptable to Revenue Canada.

A few interesting stories about raising funds….

Story #1

In the early days, having borrowed the money to buy the equipment, put an urgent need to get the fund rising job done.

There was one prospective donor who had gone on an extended fishing trip. The solicitor called him one night and ran the sales pitch on Hope for Haiti. How there is no money used for travel or management, etc. The prospective donor wanted a week to think about it.

The solicitor had in mind he should give about what that fishing trip had cost which was about $5,000. He didn’t know how generous this guy would be. He planned his sales pitch with the thought that God looks after His own and He would reward a cheerful giver.

As a backup plan, if the donor held back, the solicitor would send the donor a check for $5,000 that he could cash if he needed it to keep him from going broke in the next year. When the solicitor called back and asked how much he wished to give, his answer was $10,000 without any offer from the solicitor.

Story #2

Another interesting encounter was when a donor called at the end of the year asking whether Hope for Haiti would accept a building lot in a recreational subdivision.

The reply was as long as we can receive net cash in the end, we are happy to take the lot.

He called back 10 minutes later and ask if we would accept 2 lots. He would pay the cost of ownership till they could be sold.