Villa Clinic

Hope for Haiti built a road into 3 communities that had no auto service. So, they had no health care. You lived or you died. Like Raymond said he didn’t think you could find a Band-Aid in those communities.

Hope for Haiti built an airstrip for the large new hospital which gave the incoming doctors a plane ride of 20 minutes instead of the car ride of 6 hours. At the dedication of the airstrip, the overseer inquired if there were areas around that had no health care that they could service from the large hospital. The new road that Hope for Haiti had built made the three communities a candidate. If the new community built a hospital to their specs, they would provide doctors, medicine, and upkeep.

The community got grants for the World Bank, Shoewater Foundation, CSI, Haitians that lived in Florida, and Hope for Haiti. The cost was about $125,000.

The earthquake happened and made this 18-month-old hospital unstable. With the efforts that had been put into the damaged hospital, Red Cross took note and built a new quake-proof hospital nearby to the tune of $1,250,000. 

Now the communities have much better healthcare

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