Roof Project

Hurricane Matthew took off many of their grass roofs. Hope for Haiti replaced 175 roofs with metal roofing in a cottage roof design. Hope for Haiti had no say in who got new roofs. They needed to carry their water 2-3 miles and up 2500 ft of elevation. So, water was precious. In that community were many that lost their grass roofs in Hurricane Mathew. At the request of the communities, Hope for Haiti built 176 tin hip roofs and put on a water collection system that flowed into an 800-gal concrete cistern. It rains often enough to provide a continuous supply of water.  The hip roof was a new design for the area. Due to its design, (no gables to catch the wind) in the next hurricane the wind only took off 3 roofs but they with reusable again

Before the roof building began and had they built roads out into this area. There was a one-armed farmer who daily when he would hear the 4-wheeler come out for the night, would meet and give the 4-wheeler operator the produce of the day. Free gratis. He had no vested interest in the road but he wanted to share.  This one time Raymond violated the thought that we help communities not persons. This farmer got a new replacement roof on his house.

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