Hope for Haiti is committed to providing long-lasting essential services for the communities in Haiti

Some History

The beginning of Hope for Haiti was not very well organized.

Raymond and Vera Withers and their children Keven, Kimberly, and Kandra went to Haiti to be missionaries in 1969. The Haitian people stole Raymond and Vera’s heart.

Raymond came back to the US and became a successful dirt contractor till 1999. He felt the call of God and sold his equipment and moved the proceeds to Haiti. They kept some land to generate an annual cash flow to support the operation and pay for their travel back and forth and their living in Haiti.

A little sidebar on the senator…. Raymond wanted to begin some canola seed into the country to be planted by the Haitians and used for cooking oil. The customs people wouldn’t let it into the country. Raymond went up the chain of command. Landing near the top, he made his plea. The officer asked of his family by name, his wife Vera, and his children, Kevin, Kim, and Kendra. Raymond wondered how this man could have known his family by name. The gentleman told Raymond that he was the little boy who Vera give a slice of bread every morning in 1996.

Looking Forward

Looking forward to when Raymond can no longer be a part of the operating plan, Raymond has asked 3 capable men to make the decisions necessary to keep the operation running well.

They are Don Toews from Center, CO, Gary Jantz from Montezuma, KS, and Lee Nickkel from Grant, NE. As for a liaison person, Raymond has asked Neil Toews for Montezuma, KS, who has an economic interest in Haiti as well, and he has lived in Haiti for some time so he understands the culture and the language which critical.

Our annual operating cost runs between $150,000 and $200.000. Your help is always appreciated. We have told Raymond to spend responsibly and we would provide the funds to meet the needs.